1.- to send
Ich sende dir später eine Email
I’ll send you an e-mail later
The verb "senden" with the meaning "send with a courier" is irregular.
1.1.- to send (in the context of packages ["Pakete"], letters ["Briefe"], etc., meaning when a courier is necessary)
Ich habe dir heute einen Brief gesandt
I sent you a letter today
1.2.-to send persons to do something (only in the context of religion or politics)
Gott hat mir längst einen Engel gesandt
God sent me an angel a long time ago
2.-to transmit, to send out (in the context of broadcasting over the TV, radio, etc. or sending e-mails or faxes)
"Senden" with the meaning of transmit is regular.
Fußballspiele werden in 3D gesendet
The soccer games will be broadcasted in 3D
Das Radio sendet heute ein interessantes Interview
The radio is broadcasting an interesting interview today
Structure: senden + [dative] (to the person being sent something) + [accusative] (what is sent).
"Senden" and "schicken" are synonyms in the context of sending things (e-mails, packages, letters,…). "Schicken" is used more often, especially in informal conversations.
For the context of transmitting (radio, TV), you can only use "senden".
For the context of sending persons to do something, only "schicken" is used.
"senden" is an irregular verb.
Verb | 3rd Person | Präteritum | Partizip II | Meaning |
senden | sendet | sandte/sendete | gesandt/gesendet | to send |
Main article: Irregular verbs
Conjugation | Meaning |
ich sende | I send |
du sendest | you send |
er sendet | he sends |
wir senden | we send |
ihr sendet | you send |
sie senden | they send |
Meine ganze Familie sendet dir die besten Wünsche
My whole family sends you their best wishes
Conjugation | Meaning |
ich habe gesandt/gesendet | I have sent |
du hast gesandt/gesendet | you have sent |
er hat gesandt/gesendet | he has sent |
wir haben gesandt/gesendet | we have sent |
ihr habt gesandt/gesendet | you have sent |
sie haben gesandt/gesendet | they have sent |
Sie sandte uns allen eine Postkarte aus dem Urlaub
She sent us all a postcard from her vacation
Conjugation | Meaning |
ich sandte/sendete | I sent |
du sandtest/sendetest | you sent |
er sandte/sendete | he sent |
wir sandten/sendeten | we sent |
ihr sandtet/sendetet | you sent |
sie sandten/sendeten | they sent |
Conjugation |
ich sendete |
du sendetest |
er sendete |
wir sendeten |
ihr sendetet |
sie sendeten |
Partizip I | Partizip II |
sendend (sending) | gesandt/gesendet(sent) |
Person | Conjugation | Meaning |
2nd person singular | sende | send |
2nd person plural | sendet | send |
Polite form | senden Sie | send |
Verb | Meaning |
nachsenden | to forward (an e-mail) (separable verb) |
zurücksenden | to send back, return (separable verb) |
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