There are three genders in German: Masculine, feminine and neuter. Usually, the gender of a noun is determined by its ending.
The endings for the most important feminine nouns are:
Frequency | Ending | ||
Very common | -ei | -ung | -in |
-heit | -keit | -ion | |
Common | -ie | -schaft | -elle |
-ik | -ur | -ade | |
Rare | -age, | -ette | -enz |
-ere | -ine | -isse | |
-tät | -itis | -ive | |
-se | -sis |
Keep in mind that there are exceptions.
Unfortunately, there are many other feminine nouns that have different endings than these and whose gender is not easy to identify.
- How often this ending is seen: Very often
- Plural with "-en"
Example | Meaning |
die Polizei | police |
die Abtei | abbey |
die Konditorei | confectionery |
die Leckerei | delicacy |
die Datei | file |
Exception | Meaning |
der Brei | mash |
der Schrei | scream |
der Papagei | parrot |
das Ei | egg |
das Einerlei | monotony |
das Blei | lead |
- How often this ending is seen: Very often
- Plural with "-en"
Example | Meaning |
die Zeitung | newspaper |
die Dichtung | poetry |
die Empfehlung | recommendation |
die Erfahrung | experience |
Exception | Meaning |
der Schwung | momentum |
der Sprung | jump |
- How often this ending is seen: Very often
- Plural with "-nen"
NOTE: Nouns ending with "-in" only are feminine if they refer to a woman.
Example | Meaning |
die Lehrerin | female professor |
die Darstellerin | actress |
die Eignerin | female owner |
die Australierin | Australian woman |
die Chefin | female boss |
Exceptions: All diminutives ending with "-lein" are neuter: das Madlein (the maiden)
- How often this ending is seen: Very often
- Plural with "-en"
Example | Meaning |
die Freiheit | freedom |
die Neuheit | novelty |
die Sicherheit | safety |
die Trägheit | laziness |
- How often this ending is seen: Very often
- Plural with "-en"
Example | Meaning |
die Gefährlichkeit | dangerousness |
die Höflichkeit | politeness |
die Langsamkeit | slowness |
die Häufigkeit | frequency |
- How often this ending is seen: Very often
- Plural with "-en"
Example | Meaning |
die Produktion | production |
die Funktion | function |
die Kanalisation | drainage |
die Nation | nation |
- How often this ending is seen: Very often
- Plural with "-n"
- Many come from Latin or Greek
Example | Meaning |
die Geografie | geography |
die Garantie | guarantee |
die Fantasie | fantasy |
die Galerie | gallery |
die Astronomie | astronomy |
Exceptions: der Zombie (zombie), der Yuppie (yuppie), der Unfreie (slave), der Laie (layman)
- How often this ending is seen: Media
- Plural with "-en"
Example | Meaning |
die Freundschaft | friendship |
die Gemeinschaft | community |
die Wirtschaft | economy |
die Wissenschaft | science |
- How often this ending is seen: Media
- Plural with "-n"
- From Italian or French
Example | Meaning |
die Welle | wave |
die Zelle | cell |
die Zitadelle | citadel |
die Quelle | source |
die Tabelle | table |
Exceptions: der Junggeselle (single), der Geselle (journeyman)
- How often this ending is seen: Media
- Plural with "-en"
- Many are from Greek or Latin
Example | Meaning |
die Fabrik | factory |
die Musik | music |
die Technik | technique |
die Statistik | statistics |
die Politik | politics |
Exceptions: der Atlantik (Atlantic), der Streik (strike)
- How often this ending is seen: Media
- Plural with "-en"
- Many of them are from Latin
Example | Meaning |
die Kultur | culture |
die Natur | nature |
die Diktatur | dictatorship |
die Agentur | agency |
- How often this ending is seen: seldom
- Plural with "-n"
Example | Meaning |
die Marmelade | marmalade |
die Limonade | lemonade |
die Schokolade | chocolate |
die Schublade | drawer |
- How often this ending is seen: Seldom
- Plural with "-n"
Example | Meaning |
die Eremitage | hermitage |
die Etage | floor |
die Frage | question |
die Bandage | bandage |
- How often this ending is seen: Seldom
- Plural with "-n"
- Many are from French
Example | Meaning |
die Diskette | disk |
die Etikette | label |
die Zigarette | cigarette |
die Marionette | marionette |
die Kassette | cassette |
- How often this ending is seen: Seldom
- Plural with "-en"
- Many come from Latin or Greek
Example | Meaning |
die Konferenz | conference |
die Frequenz | frequency |
die Transparenz | transparency |
die Turbulenz | turbulence |
die Tendenz | tendency |
- How often this ending is seen: Seldom
- Plural with "-n"
- Many of them are from Italian or French.
Example | Meaning |
die Schere | scissors |
die Portiere | curtain |
die Niere | kidney |
die Misere | misery |
Exceptions: der Karabiniere (carbineer), der Gondoliere (gondolier), das Ampere (ampere)
- How often this ending is seen: Seldom
- Plural with "-n"
- Many come from Latin or Greek
Example | Meaning |
die Violine | violin |
die Vakzine | vaccination |
die Maschine | machine |
die Ruine | ruin |
die Leine | rope |
Exceptions: der Beduine (bedouin)
- How often this ending is seen: Seldom
- Plural with "-n"
- Many of them are from Latin or Greek
Example | Meaning |
die Narzisse | narcissus |
die Prämisse | premise |
die Kulisse | frame |
die Abzisse | abscissa |
- How often this ending is seen: Seldom
- Plural with "-en"
- Many come from Latin or Greek
Example | Meaning |
die Universität | university |
die Pubertät | puberty |
die Naivität | naivety |
die Parität | parity |
die Priorität | priority |
- How often this ending is seen: Seldom
- Plural "-itis ➜ -iden "
- They come from Greek and are diseases (-itis means inflammation)
Example | Meaning |
die Bronchitis | bronchitis |
die Cellulitis | cellulitis |
die Rachitis | rickets |
die Hepatitis | hepatitis |
- How often this ending is seen: Seldom
- Plural with "-n"
Example | Meaning |
die Lokomotive | locomotive |
die Olive | olive |
die Perspektive | perspective |
die Alternative | alternative |
- How often this ending is seen: Seldom
- Plural with "-n"
Example | Meaning |
die Rose | rose |
die Zuckerdose | sugar bowl |
die Osmose | osmosis |
die Badehose | swimming trunks |
- How often this ending is seen: Seldom
- Plural "-sis ➜ -sen "
Example | Meaning |
die Basis | basis |
die Dosis | dose |
die Genesis | genesis |
Exception: das Chassis (chassis)
We suggest you practice what you've learned by trying out your knowledge in a simple exercise about gender
Related topics: Gender of Masculine Nouns, Gender of Neuter Nouns
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