Exercise: Guest the gender |
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Unfortunately, for many German words, the gender must be memorized. For others, there are rules which will help you sense the gender:
Masculine gender, Feminine gender, Neuter gender
This is an entertaining exercise which consists of guessing the gender of a list of German words. We need to determine whether a word is masculine (der), feminine (die), neutral (das), or if it is a plural (die p.)
The questions rotate with each test, and from time to time we will add new ones, in order to make the exercise more interesting.
This game values both choosing the right answer, as well as the time taken to do so.
If the correct answer is chosen the vehicle accelerates to 40 km/h, each second we delay our answer it slows down 4 km/h. The minimum speed is 16 km/h. The goal is to win the race in the shortest time possible.
The purpose of this exercise is not only learning, but getting us ready, so that the answers flow from our brains in an unconscious manner.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve this exercise, we would love to hear them.
This game can be played on: Internet Explorer 9 or higher. Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, Android Browser, or Blackberry Browser.
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Suggestions to Help You | Difficulties with learning German | Greetings